Integrative Gestaltung – Masterstudio
Carola Giannone
International Politics on Screens – A Critical Inquiry into Representations of Current Affairs Content in Moving Image Media — rendered into an interactive multichannel video installation

The project Int. Politics on Screens is an inquiry into representations of politics and current affairs content in motion image media formats, considering media ambiguities, their strategic use and the relation to the viewer. Extensive multidisciplinary background research, media analysis, archiving and creative coding are rendered into an interactive multichannel video installation (for public space set up), intended to create a reflective, awareness-raising experience to the viewer. The installation prototype contains exclusively video material relating the context of ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria), their representation within and strategic use of media.
Carola Giannone
Institut Integrative Gestaltung – Masterstudio, HGK FHNW, Freilager-Platz 1, Postfach, CH-4023 Basel
+41 61 228 40 66,,