Integrative Gestaltung – Masterstudio
Janos Dominik Tedeschi
Reviving The Art Of Button-Making

There is hardly another man made object that for centuries – millennia rather – has enjoyed such unabated attention and application as the button – indeed, buttons have been around for a very, very long time. Originally used more as an ornament than as a fastening,With a history spanning almost 5000 years and once a prized object of art, today the button has become a common object made almost exclusively from plastic. Top designers have long lamented the complete non-existence of contemporary button designs. Extensive research and analysis within the framework of Janos Tedeschi’s master thesis „CUTE AS A BUTTON – Reviving The Art Of Button-Making” has lead to the creation of his very first collection of buttons. This collection forms the basis of his vision of establishing myself as a contemporary “boutonnier” (button designer) – and of contributing to the revival of the art of button making. He shall create and set up a high-end Swiss brand specialized in handcrafted luxury buttons made of precious metal and set with faceted gemstones.
Janos Dominik Tedeschi
Institut Integrative Gestaltung – Masterstudio, HGK FHNW, Freilager-Platz 1, Postfach, CH-4023 Basel
+41 61 228 40 66,,