
Misha Buksha


Aesthetic democracy

How "amateur" digital photography is shaping modern visual culture

Studium: MA Digital Communication Environments
Jahr: 2024
Name: Mykhailo Buksha
Mentor:innen: Dr. Arno Schubbach, Dr. Claire Reymond, Jiri Oplatek

Web: https://mishabuksha.com
Instagram: @misha.buksha

My master’s thesis explores the evolution and impact of “amateur” aesthetics in digital photography. Traditionally, aesthetic principles were crafted by professionals with higher education and access to specialized tools, shaping artistic movements.

However, since the late 20th century, the advent of accessible digital cameras, computers, graphic editors, and the internet has enabled everyone to enter the visual fields of advertisement, self-representation, and reflection.

Low-quality images, snaps, digital collages, memes, and flash photography have become a dominant trend in fashion, graphic design, and commercial advertisement. Once the domain of internet enthusiasts who shared their private images without any commercial purpose, these aesthetics are now appropriated by luxury brands, magazines, and are prevalent in contemporary art and cinema.

My main interest is to question the fluidity of the boundary between “professional” and “amateur” looking images and to challenge the definitions of these terms.