Mireia Raurell


Afterlife and remains of existence in the digital landscape

An exploration of the transformation and emergence of new types of heritage in the digital age

Studium: MA Digital Communication Environments
Jahr: 2024
Mentor:innen: Prof. Bérénice Serra, Dr. Kambiz Shafei, Prof. Michael Renner

Web: https://mraurell.com/

In the digital age, identity extends beyond physical artifacts. Our online life stores memories, photos, chats, documents, and an unimaginable amount of data from our daily interactions which, far from being ephemeral, persist and transcend, stored forever unless decided otherwise. This becomes increasingly evident as we store significant parts of our life in digital space.

But what should be done with all of this? What will be left of us when we are no longer here?

This project seeks to delve into the different dimensions of heritage through a visual exploration and critical approach to digital remains within a virtual environment. This narrative reimagines the cloud as a space that gathers fragmented digital identities, crafting a testament to one’s life. The project critically examines the implications of this digital persistence, highlighting the evolving nature of digital identities and the transformation of traditional practices of remembrance and afterlife in the digital age.