
Seraina Maria Kober


Striving 4 connection & searching for soft spaces

Practicing science fictional behavior & designing preferred futures

Studium: BA Prozessgestaltung am HyperWerk
Jahr: 2024
Mentor:innen: Laura Pregger, Rebekah Ubuntu, Gillian Wylde


I long for soft spaces in this fast-paced, human-built world where there is a possibility of showing vulnerability in ways that are not too vulnerable – where needs and boundaries can be voiced and respected, overstimulated senses can be tended, social masks can fall – and with this maybe some sort of connection be created.

I am interested in those moments of connection – in the experience, the emerging of it. What does connection mean to you? How can we connect in more accessible ways? Does creativity and sharing vulnerability favor accessible connection? Re-connect to ourselves, to each other, to our surroundings and not latest, nature. (Seeing the connection that is already there, between all of us and everything around us.)

Practicing science fictional behavior and designing preferred futures together in terms of culture. Counteracting to oppressive structures of any kind – through an awareness and practice of care, but also creativity – through moments of listening, sharing, empathy, change of perspective. Care for myself, care for the people around me, that I know care for the people I don’t know. Care for all living beings, care for the planet we live on.