Annika Filkorn



Studium: BA Mode-Design
Jahr: 2024
Mentor:innen: Jacqueline Loekito

Credits: Look videos (Julia Taras assisted by Ingrid Giordan, Camila Martin Barla, Cindy Gloggner and Sofia Achoukhi), Video of Documentation (Aino Spiess, Camila Martin Barla and Cindy Gloggner), Background audio (

Instagram: @kxalabear

Textile eating insects have caught my attention throughout my process. They leave traces and create their own unique textile manipulation. My focus lays on garment manipulation and deconstruction. I am working with codes and attributes in classic clothing pieces, such as the blazer, breaking them open and shifting them. I am having fun with clothing codes by destroying the strictness, stiffness, tidiness and location of them.