Dano Huwyler



Studium: BA Mode-Design
Jahr: 2024
Mentor:innen: Prof. Priska Morger

Credits: Look videos (Julia Taras assisted by Ingrid Giordan, Camila Martin Barla, Cindy Gloggner and Sofia Achoukhi), Video of Documentation (Aino Spiess, Camila Martin Barla and Cindy Gloggner), Background audio (freesound.org)

Instagram: @dangebob

This project is about the impact of human activity on marine habitats and how climate change heats up the ocean. Fishing and pollution harm oceanic ecosystems. As an animal rights activist I feel helpless in the face of these issues. I sought out creative strategies to transform these worries into something meaningful. Handcraft and the use of secondhand materials are my coping skills and they helped me create the Aquatic Freaks, monsters of my imagination.