


Studium: BA Mode-Design
Jahr: 2024
Name: Malou Moser
Mentor:innen: Prof. Priska Morger

Credits: Look videos (Julia Taras assisted by Ingrid Giordan, Camila Martin Barla, Cindy Gloggner and Sofia Achoukhi), Video of Documentation (Aino Spiess, Camila Martin Barla and Cindy Gloggner), Background audio (

Instagram: @maloumoser

(un)seeable negotiates the gaze and how it feels to observe and be observed. It is about how we see and observe ourselves, how we view our bodies and how we see others. It is an inquiry into the nature of the physical body, its experienced form and pictorial representation.

I take pictures with my camera to compile visual material on how bodies are dressed, how I dress my own and how we move in them. This visual research is the impulse for my design practice. Not least, my work deals with image-making, how images relate to the body and how the manipulation of material can produce an imagery effect.