Noemi Bianca Notter



Studium: BA Mode-Design
Jahr: 2024
Mentor:innen: Jacqueline Loekito

Credits: Look videos (Julia Taras assisted by Ingrid Giordan, Camila Martin Barla, Cindy Gloggner and Sofia Achoukhi), (Video of Documentation) Aino Spiess, Camila Martin Barla and Cindy Gloggner, Background audio (

Instagram: @sugarfashionshit

Ever since I can remember I was looking for a skin to crawl into. A body, a character, a stereotype, a mask, something I can be home in, an identity?

The project Keeping up with the Kharacters is built on a character based “cult”. It is depicting existing stereotypes, creating characters who somehow criticize society, work culture in fashion and in general, touching on topics like burnout, addiction, consumerism, social media and the dysmorphia of self it causes … Therefore it is making up alter egos, outcasts, personas who represent and embody these issues.

The omnipresent question of identity vs masking and how both are manifested through the garments we wear and the people we “play” lingers within all Kharacters. Designing garments is approached mostly through upcycling and repurposing garments, textiles, objects and a variety of artisanal techniques. Using old unwanted materials is an attempt to uncover their true potential, being more sustainable and changing perspective; referencing stereotypes and mixing them up an attempt to raise awareness and create reliability to the struggles of finding or creating identity in an increasingly anonymous, fast paced and virtual society.