Luca Wagener



Studium: BA Mode-Design
Jahr: 2024
Mentor:innen: Prof. Priska Morger

Credits: Look videos (Julia Taras assisted by Ingrid Giordan, Camila Martin Barla, Cindy Gloggner and Sofia Achoukhi), Video of Documentation (Aino Spiess, Camila Martin Barla and Cindy Gloggner), Background audio (

Instagram: @noobjects

Dear Reader,

I kindly ask you to consider. Where is peace?

My work relies on a “perspective” that sees the actual as non-dual, that places a significant emphasis on the materiality’s role in shaping our understanding of realities, existences, and knowledges. It suggests that our bodily experiences, sensations, and interactions with the world as separate from us or as an undivided whole play a central role in shaping, forming and creating in a way that adequately responds and co-responds to/with/as the actual. This is about handing over natures direction to Nature.

“Nature” being a name for the Immeasurable. It is turbulent, chaotic. It enfolds and unfolds and interacts with our sensory perception. In this regard holding to any viewpoint whatsoever cannot lead to Peace. Since there is violence in binding actuality into any viewpoint.

The work emphasizes the interconnectedness of bodily experiences with the totality, rejecting fixed viewpoints, which lead to violence. The presented forms question the utility of stagnant human thought, advocating for a shift from isodogmatic behavior. In the context of radical somaticism, it promotes direct bodily experience over cognitive interpretation. In studying the mind, I find all of life’s appearances and forms to be teachers,

To me the mind is magic: empty, yet cognisant. Through all of life which dress is a part of. I study my mind, nature tells a story, can we listen.

Dear reader care. Is the absence of separation peace?

Love, Luca