Lea Schenker


Lost in Frames

Studium: BA Visuelle Kommunikation und digitale Räume
Jahr: 2024
Mentor:innen: Jinsu Ahn, Simone Hörler, Dr. Kambiz Shafei

Web: https://leaschenker.ch
Instagram: @lea.ve_reality

This cinematic work is a documentary depiction of how open-source intelligence can be applied. Through examples from previous analyses and methodologies, a convoluted narrative about the somewhat detective-like process is told. The source material consisted of super-8 film reels from a thrift shop, whose origins are uncertain. The aim of the work was to determine the source of the film material based on details in the images.

Based on the research question in the written work, “How is footage used as a documentary tool and what impact does it have on the credibility of reporting?” I searched for visual material that initially came to me without context, to find out what the images could tell me. The contrast between the old analogue film material and the modern digital information-gathering methods particularly intrigued me.