Simone Marie

Flowing Nature

On Translating the Visual Qualities of the Rhine River

Studium: Master Visuelle Kommunikation
Jahr: 2021
Mentor*innen: Mischa Leiner, Invar Torre Hollaus, Ted Davis

Water – arguably the most important resource. Its crucial vitality to life on Earth is both humbling and concerning as we cannot survive without it. In its riverine form, it takes on new meaning, becoming symbolic of connectivity.

This thesis utilizes the Rhine River as a creative starting point and explores different ways in which it can be translated into graphic abstractions and visual potentials, narrations and metaphors. It is both an exploration and celebration of nature in the form of the Rhine and a project about translating an abstract notion into a visual form. It aims to shed light on the intricacies of the riverine network of the Rhine, as well as what happens when translating the less visible (vastness, magnitude, and metaphors) into a graspable outcome as well as translating the ephemeral into the concrete, the metaphoric into a visual representation thereof and the possibilities of a cross-disciplinary approach in graphic design.

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