Chiara Gonsalves


Food for Thought

A Visual Exploration of Food Culture in India and Europe

Studium: Master Visuelle Kommunikation und digitale Räume
Jahr: 2022
Mentor*innen: Mischa Leiner , Invar Torre Hollaus, Ted Davis; Marianna Meyer


Food is a universal understanding between people. It brings people together, it helps communication with one another, and it expresses thoughts that are unspoken. Art, in the same sense, does all the aforementioned as well. The concept of food culture in art is celebrated all through the world, through different mediums of expression, be it in the form of words, gestures, sounds, or visuals.

Through my thesis, I try and find a better understanding of two food cultures; from Europe and from my home country, India. I try to see how they adapt with each other, and maybe even help each other grow through the aid of visuals, using form, colour and shape.

Through my research, I learnt that food has an especially important symbolisation in art practices, and it has helped me try to create a visual diary of how two cultures can be either so different from each other, or somehow how they integrate and fit in and try to adapt with one another.

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