Nicole Salnikov


in, with, or without Nature

Practice-led Research into Today’s Natureculture

Studium: Master Visuelle Kommunikation und digitale Räume
Jahr: 2022
Mentor*innen: Selena Savić, Michael Renner, Jiri Oplatek

Instagram: @nicole.salnikov

This thesis questions the human relationship with nature and our concepts of nature through the investigation of natureculture, a concept of synthesis and inseparability among the terms nature and culture. Central to the project is the effort to pull apart the hierarchical roots of the nature / culture divide and to examine the complex interrelationship that ties us together, as we are a part of nature too.

Horizontality as a nonhierarchical positioning among beings is key to approaching natureculture. Through this approach, the project explores practice-led research methods by conducting interviews with individuals whose work focuses around the ecological and cultural sphere and working with photography, video, and sound inspired by interview content. Thus, asking: how can visual communication probe us to rethink our relationship to nature?

In this work, questions lead to further lines of inquiry, promoting the unlearning and rethinking of our own concepts of nature. It becomes clear that hierarchical thinking must be replaced with interdependent, collaborative, and horizontal thinking.

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