
Nadia Niedenthal


Cerberus Senses

An exploration into the world of synaesthesia

Studium: Master Masterstudio Experimental Design
Jahr: 2023
Mentor*innen: Dr. Ralf Michel, Jacqueline Loekito
Credits: Team Experimental Design (Photography)
Mail: nadianiedenthal@icloud.com

Songs have taste, and somehow January is placed lower than February. Food that is red isn’t always strawberry, nor is green for apple. Welcome to the colorful, busy, hectic and ever so flavorful world of synaesthesia. A neurological condition where the senses are interacting and cross-wiring each other, resulting in bursts of senses. My goal in the research was to develop a concept for investigating the connection between synaesthesia and creative processes, as a starting point to further develop future interdisciplinary research. The project name ‘Cerberus Senses’ is taken from the greek mythology of a three headed dog with one body who guards the gate to the underworld. This was also the name of a room for sensorial exploration in which I conducted a survey investigation synaesthetic connections. A research project from different perspectives including interviews with artists, sensory explorations and communication. In the end I derived a collection of tools and objects that deal with synaethesia playfully.

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