
Nina Schaarschuch


The Art of Green Living

An Investigation of the Design Historical and Ecological Development of the Concepts of Living Greenhouses

Studium: Master Masterstudio Experimental Design
Jahr: 2023
Mentor*innen: Dr. Ralf Michel
Credits: Nina Scharschuch (Design and Research); Nina Scharschuch, Team Experimental Design (Photography); RIBA Library Photographs Collection (Buckminster Fuller in his study at the University of Southern Illinois, 1967)
Mail: nina.schaarschuch1@gmx.ch

This master thesis explores the concept of living in a greenhouse as an alternative form of housing. Consideration is given to the aspects of integrating sustainable technologies and the benefits associated with this living environment. The constructive principle of the greenhouse creates a unique opportunity to connect nature with living space while providing sustainable and environmentally friendly living. My written exploration of the topic includes design history research of residential greenhouses looking back to the 1970s. This time period was chosen because the concept of ecological consciousness, as we understand it today, was coined during this period and has entailed far-reaching developments. The consideration of the development is important for the further analysis of residential greenhouses in the present because principles of a certain continuity become visible from it, which are still of conceptual importance today and let us imagine in possible futures.

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