Albertine Milani


Nous qui croyions ne pas être comme il faut

I want your attention

Studium: Bachelor Mode Design
Jahr: 2023
Mentor*innen: Yasmina Haddad
Credits: Shawna Christen, Mardane Gaxotte, Vera Junz (Video); Flavio Leone (Portrait); Christian Knörr (Look Images)
Instagram: @albertinemilani

My bachelor thesis reflects on my personal experience with chronic illnesses such as endometriosis and pelvic congestion syndrome, as well as social discourses about abortion rights and the pressure of having children.

I want your attention.

We are chronically forgotten by the health system. Menstruation is neither the devil’s work, nor a wonderful healing experience. But a complex, multi-layered biological phenomenon about which there is still far too little research. The hormone pill is not enough to treat all possible uterine-related illnesses. And that no human being, just because they have the capacity to give birth, wants or should do so, for whatever reason.

I want to find the beauty and empowerment I see in so many other people in my pain.

Stitch by stitch, curve by curve, I am trying to process what’s going on in my body and therefore so many other people’s bodies. Accepting that there isn’t much to accept yet. Because we do not exactly know what to expect.