
Leonard Krättli


Reviving Matter

Stories in Material

Studium: MA Experimental Design
Jahr: 2024
Mentor:innen: Dr. Johannes Bruder

Web: @leonardkraettli Instagramm

What happens with the remains of housing infrastructure when buildings are demolished? Today’s architectural discourse deals intensively with the issue of wasteful demolition. Countless and very interesting concepts are being developed to extend the life cycle of materials.

Whether existing buildings can be reused and extended as much as possible instead of being replaced with a new building is becoming increasingly important. At the same time, there is the reality of construction with very well-established processes in planning and labour contracting that are somewhat resistant to change. This means that there is still a lot of building waste, which is constantly piling up because of the building culture of the last few decades.

The materials to be seen in this space are typically considered as waste with not further use. Reviving Matter takes up the basic principle of careful handling to revive, join, and bind materials that would normally go to landfills or burn.