Nani & Friends


Research read Friendship

Studium: MA Experimental Design
Jahr: 2024
Name: Mariana Ledebur de Antas de Campos
Mentor:innen: Prof. Dr. Helen V. Pritchard

How wonderful it is, / To be rehearsing research in this academic bubble, / Where myour emotions are welcome, / naps are welcome, / dramatization is welcome, / exploration is welcome, / and a cease fire is craved for. / Where there is a web of soft and warm people / Holding a space for meus, / Who listen and react, / In ways that feel dignified and empowered, / Creating a web of learning that are based on sharing, / circulating, multiplying,,, For Research read Friendship, experiments of heavy / processingpermissionsreminders on / researchfriendshippolyamorydeanticoloniality have been materialized / through writingcalligraphyencryption~material exploration.

Black and queer feminists have fought and worked for autotheory to have a place inside a sterile academia. Thanks to them I~we can explore themes of personal relevance, the materialization of objects with personal meaning and practices of attuning of sensorial nature. Generating meaning in my own life and sharing with friendships who want to join playing.